Holochain Core Concepts

Welcome to Holochain Core Concepts! Here we’ll introduce you to the basics of Holochain, a framework and network protocol for building secure distributed applications. Holochain is different from what you may be used to, but we’ll go at a comfortable pace, building on things you already know.

Who is this introduction for?

We’ve written this introduction for programmers, CTOs, and other technically oriented people. It’s a bit like a choose-your-own-adventure story.

If you’re in a hurry, and want to find out if Holochain is a good fit for your project, you can just read the articles—or if you’re in a real hurry, read the intro paragraph at the top and the key takeaways at the bottom.

If you’re a programmer and want to see the concepts come to life, follow the tutorials. Each tutorial is quick—you’ll be creating a running app in anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Code samples are written in Rust.

If you want to dig deep, each article has links to further reading from the guidebook, API documentation, or web.

Ready? Let’s get started

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